The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of Clayton with Keymer is a registered charity governed by the Church Representation Rules (CRR) 2006. It's principle objectives are the advancement of religion and the making of provision for public worship. This includes promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church - pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. Working closely with the Rector the PCC is responsible for the maintenance of the church buildings and churchyards (where they are open), and for deciding how money raised by the parish is to be spent. The PCC is formally the employer of any paid workers. The PCC has the right to be consulted about major changes to the forms of worship used in the parish and about the appointment of a new incumbent. It is also consulted about any pastoral scheme affecting the parish.
The members of the PCC are elected at an annual meeting of parishioners and serve for fixed terms. Our current PCC members are:
PCC Officers
Hon Sec. to PCC
Mrs Janet Sharman 12 Church Mead 01273 845194
Hon Treasurer to PCC
Mr Royston Haines
Electoral Roll Officer
Mrs Jennifer Pinnock Tower House High St. Hurst 01273 831730
Stewardship Scheme Recorder
Mr. Robert Pinnock Tower House High St. Hurst 01273 831730
Pastoral & Ministry Teams
Pastoral & Ministry (P&M) teams look after the day-to-day running of each church and meet every quarter to plan the life of the church.