Music Group

It is a joy and a privilege to be a member of the St Francis Music Group. I play the cello each Sunday and we lead the worship at the morning service. We have a wide range of instruments including drums, keyboard, trumpet, strings, guitars, clarinet and flute and we all appreciate each other’s skills. The age range is very wide and this allows for diversity and interest. Our youngest member is 13 and our oldest is 84!!

We practice once a month to allow ourselves a chance to become a musical group. Another of our talented members leads the songs with her fantastic singing voice and this helps the congregation to learn new songs. Our trumpet player who leads the Remembrance service, adds depth to our worship and praise. Our young drummer keeps us all in time and adds a modern feel to our music.

We would welcome any new musicians that would like to join us as we are very happy to expand and improve the quality of our worship at St Francis.

The Music Group meets the second Tuesday of the month at St Francis church at 7pm and we play every Sunday in church (this is optional)


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